Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Holly the Hedgehog (aka Holly Hedgie)

I have always wanted a hedgehog.  I researched their behavior and pet requirements for about a month...and yesterday was the big day.
Since there are no pet stores with exotic animals in my immediate area, I decided to search for a breeder.  My fiance, Kyle, suggested Craigslist.  I was very skeptical about this idea, but decided to give it a try anyways.  I found a hedgehog breeder in my area who had just posted an ad.  She had several hedgies, and when I looked at them, I immediately bonded with this little one ----->

There are many rewards to having a hedgehog.  Once they get comfortable and bond with you (which takes some patience), they will make wonderful little friends.  Their spikes are pretty prickly, but they won't puff up and spine you unless they're really scared/nervous.  Once a hedge learns to trust you, you can handle them without fear of getting poked.

Hedgehogs are easily litter trained, and will respond to their name after hearing it enough times.  They're nocturnal, which is perfect for me and others who are in school and/or work all day.